As The World Turns - Around THEM

I always thought I was a pretty reasonable guy.  In fact, in the past, people have called me patient, kind-hearted, giving, compassionate - you know... as I write this... I realize that I am not only reasonable - I am a pretty cool dude! (Just kidding but like Mac Davis sang, Lord it's hard to by humble when you are perfect in so many ways.) (just kidding again, I know where the goodness comes from in my life and it is not from my flesh but my faith)

Getting back on track - teenagers are so self-centered.  (Can I get an AMEN?) Of course they don't think so and would deny it if confronted, but it - is - true! Let me give you an example of a lesson I am re-learning.

Remember the "soccer dad" comment the other day?  Well ... After work, I routinely pick Laura up at school after Softball practice and then drive to the Soccer complex and pick Nate up.  A few weeks ago, I got a text from Nate that went something like this.....

So I am at work when I receive a message from Nate

N- Practice is at School (The implication is don't go to the soccer complex)
P- OK I will pick you up at 5:00
N-OK you can come earlier  (He seems to have forgotten about his sister and that would be fine but Laura is not done until 5:00)

Time passes .. I am still at work

N- Remember I am at school (It's only been an hour and a half)
P- Thanks for the reminder (dripping with sarcasm)
N- No problem (sarcasm was wasted and lost in the translation apparently)
N- text me when you are on the way.

Ok so what is his expectation? Because he gets done early, everyone's schedule should be adjusted? If asked, he would say "that is not what I meant" And another thing, I know I am "old" in his eyes, actually in the eyes of almost everyone under 60.  But is he concerned that my memory is so bad - because I am old, that I will go to the soccer field anyway? Now don't get me wrong ... Nate and Laura are not malicious ... they are wonderful kids .... but, they are self-focused.  And at times that tests my "soccer dad coolness".  My mom raised 7 kids ... the 4 older ones, including me, were teenagers at the same time .. how did she survive?  Come to think of it, she wasn't a Christian then, so how did we survive?


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